
The Troubled cat

By Derek Payne

About The Book

Mayhem and calamity ensue when a young Tabby named Bob is left alone at home when his owners leave the country. Join us and follow Bob’s quest to survive until his guardians return!

“Joining Literary Legacies sounded interesting to me. Then I found out I could write my own book and that seemed cool. I love to read so I was really excited to write a book others could read.”

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About the author.

My name Derek Payne and I am the author of this book. I’m 11-years-old and I go to Britton Middle School in Morgan hill. I am in 6th grade. I love to play with my friends and family and read books also love to watch movies and draw and color. My favorite subject in school is art. I hope to write more books in the future.

“David helps me when I get stuck on a word or when I need to work through a paragraph. I’m really happy I joined Literary Legacies and I can’t wait to see how the finished book turns out.”

Derek Payne

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